Body contouring
Reveal your ideal body shape with our transformative body contouring treatments. We offer personalized solutions to address stubborn fat, cellulite, loose skin, and other concerns. Using advanced techniques such as liposuction, non-invasive body sculpting, and skin tightening, we can help you achieve a more sculpted and toned physique. Embrace your body’s natural beauty and boost your self-confidence. Schedule a consultation today to discover the possibilities of body contouring and embark on your journey to a more confident you.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery to remove unwanted deposits of fat from your body. Sometimes even after diet and exercise, you don’t loose fat from certain areas of body. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from these areas and provides a good contour. Liposuction can be done for abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, calves, love handles, waist, saddle bags, double chin and face. Liposuction can be combined with fat grafting to enhance the look of some areas while slimming the other area, for example fat harvested after liposuction of tummy can be used for buttock augmentation. Liposuction is a scarless surgery, very small incisions are used to gain access to the areas which require fat removal. The incisions usually heal without scarring. Depending on the site , small areas like arms or thigh can be done under local anaesthesia but in most of the cases, general anaesthesia is required. The pain is usually mild to moderate and remains for 48-72 hrs. The pain subsides with painkillers. Patients are required to wear pressure garments for 6 weeks post surgery. Patients get back to light work after 4-5 days of surgery . Heavy exercises and weight lifting cannot be done for 6 weeks.

Hour glass shape
Most women desire an hourglass shape but not all are blessed with the same. Hourglass liposuction includes removing the fat from the midsection (360 degree liposuction),sculpting the waistline and contouring the hips to provide the most desired hourglass figure . Hourglass liposuction can be combined with tummy tuck to get ride of lax skin in tummy post massive weight loss or pregnancy .

Butt and thigh shaping
Everyone desires a smoother and rounder butt with gradually tapering thighs. Liposuction can help you achieve the look. The stubborn areas in thighs which does not respond to dieting or exercise can be easily treated by liposuction and permanent removal of fat cells . Tiny holes are made in the thigh during surgery and multiple tunnels are created with liposuction cannula to suck out the resistant fat deposits. These tiny incisions usually heal well without minimal scarring. The procedure take one to 2 hrs and patients can go back to light work after 4-5 days. Heavy exercises are avoided for 4 -6 weeks

Tummy tuck
A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen along with tightening of the muscles. Tummy tuck is different from liposuction as it removes all the lax skin with stretch marks and gives a scar along the bikini line Patients with excessive skin laxity following multiple pregnancies and massive weight loss are candidates for abdominoplasty. There are different types of abdominoplasties Miniabdomiplasty- smaller incision in the bikini line, no umbilicus relocation. Standard abdominoplasty - classical incision on the bikini line , umbilical relocation Extended abdominoplasty - Incision extending to the sides with umbilical relocation Lower body lift - incision extending from back to side with umbilical relocation Fleur -de lis abdomiplasty - this has a scar in the upper part of the abdomen also and takes care of the skin laxity above umbilicus. The surgery can combined with liposuction of other areas. The surgery takes approximately 3-5 hours and patients require hospital admission for 1-3 days. Patients need to take off from work for 3-6 weeks

Brazilian butt lift
Brazilian butt lift or BBL is also known as buttock augmentation . Buttocks are augmented with autologous fat graft along with liposuction of the waist line and other areas to enhance the look. This surgery is done through tiny incisions and doesn’t leave big scars. The surgery is done under general anaesthesia and takes 2-3 hours. Patients have swelling and bruising after surgery which takes few weeks to go . Patients are not allowed to sit for at least 2 weeks or sit with a special pillow.

Arm lift
Arm lift is done for patients with heavy arms to reshape and tone the upper arms. For patients with heavy arms but no skin laxity, liposuction alone can be done to suck out all the excess fat. For patients with massive weight loss and very lax , liposuction followed by brachiaplasty is done. Brachiaplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the arms. The scar is placed on the inner aspect of arms and is visible only when the patient lifts up the arms. Arm liposuction can be done both under local or general anaesthesia and takes approximately one hour. Brachiaplasty is done under general anaesthesia and take one to two hours. Patients have mild to moderate pain after surgery for which they need to take some painkillers . Patients are advised to wear pressure garments post surgery for 6 weeks . Light work can be started after 5-7 days. Heavy exercises are resumed after 6 weeks.

Mommy make over
Mommy makeover includes a series of surgeries done to address the changes in the body that occurs after childbearing and restore the pre-pregnancy shape. Today women start all sorts of measures like diet,exercises etc after pregnancy to get back their shape. They sometimes get highly discouraged when they don’t get the results they want. Mommy make over is the set of surgeries designed to restore pre- pregnancy shape. It includes - Breast lift/ augmentation/ reduction Liposuction Tummy tuck Genital rejuvenation Non surgical treatments like skin resurfacing, Botox , fillers etc. The set of surgeries are chosen according to the needs of the patients.

Six packs
Six pack surgery is a high definition liposuction done to enhance the contours of abdominal muscles and carve out the six pack abs. The surgery removes thin layer of fat that hides the contour of abdominal muscles by superficial liposuction. The surgery is under general anaesthesia and can be combined with other cosmetic surgeries.

Male tummy tuck
Tummy tuck is not only for females. Males after massive weight loss may have significant amount of skin laxity in the abdomen . They can get their slim and tightened look back by surgically removing excess skin and fat through an incision in the lower abdomen just above the groin. The incision in men is less curved as compared to women . The umbilical creation is also slightly different. But the surgery is completely safe , done under general anaesthesia and takes 3-5 hours.